Monday, December 29, 2008

Family in Bihar

Today I made an interesting observation. Most people in Bihar refer to their wives as family. I was talking to a constable who had overstayed his leave and upon being asked the reason for it, he replied his family was sick (family bimaar ho gayi). When asked repeatedly how the whole family could fall sick together, he reluctantly revealed it was his wife who was sick. I am keen to find out how many copies of Mario Puzo's The family was sold here.
On related note, one of our seniors was introducing Bihar's culture to us and he said, and I quote, "You will not see a girl driving a motor bike here. Cars, yes, but bikes, never." Interesting :).

Just found this today. Too lazy to put it anywhere else. Seth Godin raises an important question - "And yet, there are plenty of books about getting a job, but no books I know of about choosing a job".

1 comment:

Unknown said...

This denote that "wife" is the main character in the family...And this is what our law makers are practising...(refer to the definition of family and dependency according to central government)....