Monday, December 29, 2008

Family in Bihar

Today I made an interesting observation. Most people in Bihar refer to their wives as family. I was talking to a constable who had overstayed his leave and upon being asked the reason for it, he replied his family was sick (family bimaar ho gayi). When asked repeatedly how the whole family could fall sick together, he reluctantly revealed it was his wife who was sick. I am keen to find out how many copies of Mario Puzo's The family was sold here.
On related note, one of our seniors was introducing Bihar's culture to us and he said, and I quote, "You will not see a girl driving a motor bike here. Cars, yes, but bikes, never." Interesting :).

Just found this today. Too lazy to put it anywhere else. Seth Godin raises an important question - "And yet, there are plenty of books about getting a job, but no books I know of about choosing a job".

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Pocket a pocket

Technology makes you look 'fooler' by the day. I dont know if this is valid english - fooler. But that's precisely what it does.. sometimes in leap and most times gradually. Pocket makes my old thinkpad look a slow giant. This is a leap. Thinkpad has lost shine since its separation from IBM tag. Now Sony rules the roost. Check out the Pocket. Its 128 GB SSD module makes it a netbook to look forward to..
Hope to get hold of one soon..

Thursday, December 25, 2008

I am Back

Its nothing to do with Arnold and his terminator series. Its been over 18 months since I posted my last blog. Training could be serious on the hobbies. Hope I can be regular now..

Blogging is not the only thing I missed during training. Ah, i miss those coding days. Only after getting out of software I realise what Dijkstra meant when he said:

"...Software engineering, of course presents itself as another worthy cause, but that is eyewash: if you carefully read its literature and analyse what its devotees actually do, you will discover that software engineering has accepted as its charter 'How to program if you cannot'

Now I thing one of my life's ambition, to read Knuth's Art Of Computer Programming in full, is going to be a greater challenge :)